Swordfish, if cooked right can be a great delight on your plate. As the Texans say grilling is the right for all meats and seafood. I give them the thumbs up when it comes to swordfish. Before you can start with the dish you need to preheat the oven at 350*F.
The swordfish streak is available in supermarkets, trimmed and individually packed.
Place the fish on a plate and season it with salt and crushed pepper on all sides. Keep the fleshy portion of the steak facing you and coat it with lime juice, leave it on the plate for a few minutes (the acid from the lime juice cooks the steak and also induces the marination into the flesh). Coat the clean, hot grill with corn oil,(as it has a smoking point of 320*F). Place the swordfish on the grill presentation side down, give two minute on each direction to give check mark, turn over and give another two minutes. Take it off the grill and place in preheated oven for about 4 minutes. In the meanwhile make a mixture of marinated artichokes, diced tomatoes, diced onion sliced olives and fennel. Drizzle with equal quantities of lime and lemon juice. In a sauté pan add ½ tsp butter once melted add the mixture and cook over high heat, add ¼ cup fish stock to the mixture, season with salt and pepper (salt should be limited as the artichokes and olives already has some). Before taking it off the heat add butter to the mixture.
For plating place the sword fish in the centre of the plate and surround it with the mixture. Garnish it with dill leaves and tomato quarters.
You can also garnish it with tear drop tomato and fennel julienne.
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