Sushi, it is become a household name, with regards to international cuisines. There are different varieties of sushi in the market that can be bought made or done to order.
The ingredients that you need to have for sushi are:
4oz short grain rice
1floz rice vinegar
2.5tsp sugar
4 sheets nori
Avocado cut thinly (julienne)
Cucumber cut thinly
Carrot cut thinly
Salt as needed
Wash the rice and add water to the rice (1 inch) over the rice and cook until it’s done.
Once the rice is cooked keep hot and gently add vinegar, sugar, salt and mix well.
Allow the rice to cool. If you have a bamboo mat at home it can be used to make sushi or you can use clear film plastic, place a sheet of nori on bamboo/plastic film, and spread rice evenly. Place the cucumber, carrot, scallion, avocado and roll carefully. To have the roll compact apply rice vinegar to the end of the nori sheet and press to seal. Once it’s done arrange on plate or platter and serve with ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.
Soy Tuna-Mayo Onigiri Recipe
22 hours ago
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